Sport Medicine - Fitness and Wellness Specialist
Courses Offered at:
- Campbellsville
Sport Medicine - Fitness and Wellness Specialist Degrees
B.S.Course Offerings
Fitness/Wellness Specialist Area 68 - hours
HP Core Curriculum 50
- HP 200 Healthful Living 3
- HP 230 Kinesiology & Physiology for HP Professions (Pre: BIO 110) 3
- HP 234 Safety in Sport and Physical Activity 2
- HP 250 Core & Prevention of Athletic Injuries (Pre: HP 230 or BIO 221) 3
- HP 300 Principles of Strength Training and Conditioning (Pre: HP 230) 3
- HP 302 Assessment in Physical Activity 3
- HP 314 Sport Nutrition 3
- HP 389 Kinesiology Lab (Co-requisite with HP 390) 1
- HP 390 Kinesiology (Prerequisite: BIO 222) 3
- HP 393 Biomechanics (Prerequisite: HP 230) 3
- HP 399 Physiology of Exercise Lab (Co-requisite with HP 400) 1
- HP 400 Physiology of Exercise (Prerequisite: BIO 222) 3
- HP 415 Ethics in Sport 3
- HP 420 Exercise Testing and Prescription I 3
- HP 421 Exercise Testing and Prescription II (Prerequisite: BIO 420) 3
- HP 450 Physical Activity and Aging 3
- HP 475 Conditioning and Rehabilitation Techniques of Athletic Injuries 3
- HP 485 Internship 3
- HP 490 Senior Seminar 1
Students must choose from Restricted Electives below: 18
- HP 305 Community and Consumer Health 3
- HP 310 Nutrition 3
- HP 320 Human Sexuality 3
- HP 360 Gender & Diversity 3
- HP 370 Sport Facility Design and Management 3
- HP 380 Motor Learning 3
- HP 391 Adapted Physical Education 3
- HP 430 Psychology of Sport 3
- HP 445 Sport and the Law 3
- HP Current Issues & trends in Sport & Activity 3
- HP 480 Special Topics 3
- HP 485 Internship (up to 3)
- PSY 321 Lifespan Development 3
- PSY/SOC 361 Social Statistics 3
- BIO 348 Medical Terminology
- Other Upper Division electives as approved by Advisor 3 -12

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